Sunday, September 21, 2014

Emotion Video


  1. I like the music, I completely felt the emotion you were going for.

  2. I liked the fade in and out of scenes and the music you chose

  3. I like the repetition of the shots to portray depression. The music was a bit creepy rather than depressing for me

  4. I like the build up to the actions. Like the egg. We see it fall, we know that it is going to crack and when it does it does it at the perfect time.

  5. It was very smart of your to build up the piece before leaving it at the disappointing elements.

  6. The egg being dropped was a good tool to use for disappointment. I know I would be upset if i dropped an egg.

  7. The shot of the egg hitting the floor expressed disappointment really well, with the camera just staying on the that shot for a little while, letting us take it in.

  8. The throwing and cracking of the egg is interesting to me. Hope is something that is fragile and when its destroyed, it can be devastating to a person so using the egg as an analogy worked well. Good job!

  9. Your static shots were a nice choice that helped convey your emotion even better. The addition of he quote was a nice touch and helped bring some context into your piece. Nicely done.

  10. Nice job, but i though it could be longer, and nice chose of music.

  11. The egg falling was captured very well, Im not sure what the turning of pages had to do with the video but it did add a sense of eagerness.

  12. The candle going out and the egg hitting the ground were good shots. The light flickering was more distracting, and the "F" in the notebook was a little bit of a let down. Maybe a stack of "F's" that were then thrown to the side or something would have been better? Also the quote you chose is a very powerful one and I feel is heavier than the video was itself emotionally. The music started off perfect but got a little weird. Over all it was a pretty good video though. I did get a sense of disappointment from some of the shots, in a good way.

  13. This is a creative and symbolic approach to disappointment. Your edit was strong and your shots match the music. Unfortunately, that made the lamp scarier than you intended. The lamp was the only disappointment that lacked clarity.
